Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Hello, Ladies

It's been awhile since my last post, which is terrible, I know, but here is my latest project. While drawing this over the past few weeks I found myself creating a theme and fleshing out the characters culled from my innocent source photo. May I present the lovely interracial lesbians? I'm sure you could look at these ladies and see them differently - and please do! - but I'm putting it out there this way so that there's no confusion. They have a label and I'm sticking with it.

On a side note: Hi, Mom.

With this work I wanted to think about aesthetics first and foremost, and let the latent politics and identity issues and such sizzle away in the background. I wanted to think about overlap and contrast, and to keep up working with layers of colour and a mix of painting and drawing. I wish I were a better photographer (the pale cream of the jacket might not translate from paper to photo very well, but the black shawl does). 

Mostly, I wanted these two ladies (that's what I'm calling them now) to stare out at the viewer, like Frieda and her twin self.

I like the asymmetry, too. 

I'm going to make an effort to post more often. My sketchbook work is often more out there and more mixed and matched than my finicky, polished work, and that's what's going up next.

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